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Retrieving Your Username and Resetting Your Password

Retrieving your Username or resetting your Password is an easy, automated process on our website. The only important thing to know is that the password reset e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address that's in your member profile on our website. If you don't have access to that mailbox, then you won't be able to perform a password reset. You'll need to contact us and have an administrator manually reconfigure your account.

Below is an image of the Sign In dialogue box on the home page.

Step 1- Enter Your Username or Email Address

  1. Click on the Forgot Your Password? link circled in green above
  2. You'll be taken to the Forgot your Username or Password? page below
  3. Enter either your Username or your Email Address in the dialogue box circled in green
  4. Answer the math question circled in blue, then press Reset Password circled in orange.

Step 2 - Reset E-mail


  1. You'll then receive an automated e-mail from our website. Check your junk or spam folder if you don't see the e-mail.
  2. Open the e-mail and click on the link Reset My Password Now! circled below in red

Important: If you hold more than one GAFM certification you will have multiple member accounts on our website. If that's the case you will receive one password reset e-mail for each of your accounts. You won't be able to retrieve your username until you've completed the password reset process for each of your accounts. Feel free to contact us and we'll assist with resetting the password on the certification that you need to access. 

Step 3 - Enter Your New Password

  1. Enter your new Password and Confirm Password circled below in red
  2. Press Reset Password circled below in green

Step 4 - Reset Confirmation Screen

  1. The Reset Confirmation Screen will state that your password was reset
  2. This screen will display your Username circled below in red. So if you don't remember you username, this is where you'll retrieve it - there's no need to contact us for username retrieval.
  3. Click on the link Click here to sign in circled below in green and you'll be redirected to the Sign In screen where you'll enter your Username and Password to sign In.


Contact us if you're still unable to Sign In or retrieve your Username and Password with the procedure above.

GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ®
Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906