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Qualifying Degrees

GAFM Approved Degree and Assessment Programs

Qualifying Accredited Programs - Graduates of Masters Degree programs from these Accredited Programs and Exams, may apply for certification.


Apply directly - Accredited Programs Worldwide - Management, Accounting and Finance Programs

This Agreement allows ACBSP graduates of courses/exams to apply directly for credentials, designations, charters and  certifications.

See Legal Certification Standards Agreement:

CHEA-Recognized Accreditation Body:   ACBSP accredits business, accounting, and business-related programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master, and doctorate degree levels worldwide.

AACSB Masters Degree Holders Apply Directly - Accredited Management, Accounting and Finance Programs
ABA Select ABA American Bar Association Accredited Programs
AABFS Arab Academy and Arab League Sanctioned Degree
EQUIS Apply Directly with Masters Degree - EFMD Accredited Masters Degree Programs
Pearson Pearson Global Exams Worldwide - Take Exams in 20,000 locations

Law School

Accredited Law School Masters Program -  CWM and CRA Certifications: 

Military Government and Military Officers Apply Direct for Project Management Certifications
SCATC Securities and Commodities Agency - UAE Government


SIBE India Investment Regulators


**  ACBSP and AACSB nationally accredited degrees are recognized though mutual recognition articulations since 2004.

List of Accreditations and Alliances with GAFM


  1. GAFM Certification Board  & National Business School Accredited Programs - Over 800 USA Accredited Business schools offer courses, programs and exams that count for GAFM certificatons. [LINK]
  2. GAFM has held: TUV Europe & Italy Accreditation -   TUV 2019 The GAFM/AAPM International Board of Standards has accreditation from the TUV in Europe
  3. TUV Reaccreditation - European Accreditation Not Subject to BREXIT - TUV 2019 Certification Document Now holds SIS Cert Recognition EU
  4. GAFM  Body is  ISO 29990 Certified -  GAFM/AAPM are ISO Certified for Training. The First USA Certification body to achieve this Accreditation 
  5. GAFM is ISO 9001 Certified - GAFM IBS Board of Standards is ISO Certified for Quality Standards.
  6. GAFM is in Alliance with the Higher Education Quality Standards- The GAFM ® Board of Standards is a founding member of the quality assurance standards memorandum of the International Quality Standards . 
  7. GAFM/AAPM is in alliance with the Society of Professional Engineers Europe.   SPE Society of Professional Engineers
  8. GAFM - Arab League & Academy Recognition - The Arab Academy belonging to the Arab League directly recognizes the Certifications of GAFM and AAPM in a diplomatic agreement.  2018 - Updated Arab Academy GAFM
  9. GAFM Certification Body has dedicated USA Accredited Law School Programs - Wealth Management Certification - ABA Recognized Law School
  10. UAE Accredited - Certifications Registered and accredited through the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the UAE.
  11. 2004 - ACBSP Accreditation Certification Agreement with AAFM International Board of Standards, now GAFM owns the AAFM Programs.







GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ®
Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906