Annually, each GAFM ® charter holder and board certification holder should complete 15 hours or more of continuing education CE credits. Here is a list of the types of activities that count. 15 hours would be equivalent to a 2 day seminar or conference event.
Members may complete one of the below or a combination to fulfill their annual requirements.
- Take APPROVED Courses from an ACBSP Business School online or onsite, or from a CHEA recognized graduate school of business, or an AACSB business school.
- Attend an GAFM ® Approved Annual Conference which counts for full CE Credit. This is a Full 2 day event that counts for 15 hours.
- TAKE courses from one of the 1000 Accredited Business Schools of the Agency.
- Take a course from our Online Approved Law School Program such as Texas A&M Law School's Risk or Wealth Management programs.
- Submit evidence of your professorial, teaching or training work from university or training company.
- Attendance of 15 or more hours of approved education for Lawyers or CPAs. (2 days of training)
- Publish an Article with the GAFM® International Journal
- Attend one of our GAFM ® Approved Global Economic and Wealth Management summits
- Submit a list of your continuing education for approval (Example Bar Association, FINRA, AICPA and more).
- Submit a record to GAFM ® of your attendance of outside events, and you will have fulfilled the requirements for GAFM ® CE
- MOOC Massive Online Open Courses - Submit Individually for Approval
- Speaking or Lecturing - If you are a public speaker, government official, military officer, professor, or educational administrator or dean, then your speaking at events or training other professionals would count. 1/2 day of speaking or lecturing would count for annual requirements.
- Professors - Teaching any course in economics, finance, accounting, government or public policy at the college level or above would count during the year.
- Take an approved course from an Certified Partner Training Company such as or