Skills Certification - We can Confer a Accredited Skills Certification for Your Courses That you have Taken:
You may apply now for the following Accredited Skills Certification Documents:
If you are approved, you receive the GAFM Accredited Program Skills Certification License Document, Use of the Skills Certification Acronym and post nominal credential, and a member/fellow document from the Academy.
- Certification in E-Commerce
- CIM Board Certification in Marketing
- CIE Certification in Economics
- CIB Certification in Banking
- CIA Certified in Accounting
- CIM Certification in Management
- CCF Certification in Corporate Finance
- CIB Certification in Business
- CDS Certification in Data Science
- CIA Certified in Artificial Intelligence
- CFT Certified in FinTech
- CIL Certification in International Law
- CPM Certification in Project Management
- CHR Certification in Human Resources
- C-RM Certification in Risk Management
- CPM Certification in Planning
- CBM Certification in Small Business Administration
- CTM Certification in Tourism and Travel Services Management
- CFM Certification in Financial Management
- CHA Certification in Hospitality Administration
- CES Certification in Entrepreneurship Studies
- CMS Certified in Management Science
- CCM Certified in Construction Management
- CIC Certified in International Business/Trade/Commerce
- COM Certification in Operations Management
- CLM Certification in Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management
- CIT Certified in Taxation
- CAS Certified in Audit Studies
- CIS Certification for Investments and Securities Studies
- CPM Certification in Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management
- CCM Certified in Contract Management
- COL Certification in Organizational Leadership
- Please email your resume or CV directly to us:
- Please tell us which Skills Certifications you Require.
- We will provide a credential evaluation and respond to you if you eligible for the any of the above certification documents.