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The Arab Academy for Management, Banking and Financial Sciences (AAMBFS)

The Arab Academy for Management, Banking and Financial Sciences (AABFS) has an ongoing alliance with the American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM), the American Academy of Project Management (AAPM), and the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM), which functions under the International Board of Standards. This partnership, established on August 11, 2009, enables mutual recognition of professional certifications and designations across the Arab League nations and beyond. The collaboration aims to elevate standards in accredited education and certification exams leading to charter designations. The GAFM is internationally recognized, holding accreditation in Europe, and certifications including ISO 21001 and ISO 9001. The alliance was recently renewed for another four years starting from October 1, 2022.  

Since its founding in 1988, The Arab Academy for Management, Banking and Financial Sciences (AAMBFS) has established itself as a central institution for Arab professionals in finance and business, earning the moniker "The Academy of All Arabs." It offers a rigorous curriculum that meets global top-tier standards, aiming to nurture a new generation of leaders equipped to drive change in their communities throughout the Arab world.


GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ®
Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906